Sunday, February 11, 2007

met kian to shop for new year clothes at marina square. He ended up having his hair cut at chapter 2. Can't find any suitable top AGAIN! and i wore the wrong shoe for shopping and ended up having sore feet. He couldn't find any nice clothes too.
kian and I are still good friend and I felt really comfortable going out with him. He is starting to worry about his career, his future. I believe every man will go through this stage and starts to panick when they are not sure of what they really want in life. He is going to ORD soon, this coming march. I suggested to him to work for a few years to gain some experience before pursueing his dream (set up his own business), anyway, you need capital before you can start your own business right? He believes that only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. Well said. I agree this sentence but you need the courage and confident to stand up again and the CAPITAL!'s all about money no talk. bleah.

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