Thursday, October 28, 2004

weekends coming!!!!!!

Now I know what tired mean....meaning "being brain freeze", "Heavy eyes" , "stoning while ppl are telling jokes" etc etc....Can u guys imagine waking up at 545am EVERYDAY????? YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL? U KNOW U KNOW??? AND END WORK AT 6??? REACH HOME AT 7+??? Ok i shall not complain...always have a positive mindset...................................................
But mon tues and wed i met kian for dinner b4 i went home, so by the time i reached home it was already 9, my precious show starts, after watching, pls look at the time...time to sleep.....tats my routine...........-.- so siannnnnnnnnnn.....yl jac gui and i know how u guys feel when u work....

Anyway, there will be event this sat at siloso beach, and heard from travel event department that there will be triathon too!!! Wee O Wee~~~ HUNKS!!! WAHAHAHAHA...opss...But I will be meeting kian for the Shark Tale preview at siloso beach...sorry guys they only left 2 tickets, else will ask u guys to join me!

K its getting late, i really need more precious sleeping time is ticking away...good nite guys!

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