Monday, July 06, 2009

Ham and Mushroom Spaghetti with Pesto Sauce

Tonight's dinner was Spaghetti.
I bought this Pesto sauce last Saturday at Carrefour.
Always wanted to try cooking Pesto Spaghetti but didn't get a chance, so tonight, I bought fresh mushrooms and picnic ham as ingredients.

Sister, Mum (she ate one mouthful) and Kris said it's delicious! hehehe...
I think it's good too *yum*
I added some sugar and salt to taste, if not, it's a little sour.

Ingredients: (serve 3)

Spaghetti (size of a twenty cent coin = 1 pax)
Picnic Ham (6 slices)
Mushrooms (depend how many you want)
2 cloves garlic (chopped)
1 big white onion (chopped or sliced)
2 tbsp oil
salt and pepper
Minched Basil
Chilli flakes
Grounded Black pepper
1 bottle of Leggo's Pesto Sauce


Heat Frying Pan and add oil.
Add garlic and onion and fry till fragrant
Add mushroom and Ham.
Pour in 3/4 cooked Spaghetti and a bottle of Leggo's Pesto Sauce ( they come in different flavors).
Toss it properly and add salt and sugar to your desire taste.
Put the spaghetti in a serving dish and serve.
Add basil, chilli flakes and black pepper (Optional)

DONE! Easy right? Go try it! Its delicious!

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